I couldn't care less

Well, I haven't done my homework.
I pissed mum off...
My shoulder's killing me.
I'm ignoring everyone and everything.
My life's been messed up.
My grades are sinking.
I'm tired but can't get no sleep.
Dad's away...
Brother's in London.
Mr. Ledger's dead.
Grá number 2 remains a dream.
I will always be just a litte bit of an outsider.
And I couldn't care less!!!!!!!!!

It's all because of you. You make me forget.

And we talked, my how we talked. I will secretly call my new bike "Sofia".
Bake me a blueberry pie and I'll come over, give me wine and cheese, let's drink from your new glasses. Just give me something, and we'll be nightswimming before you know it. We'll go fishing, fishing, fishing.

All of this, all because of you. You're pretty darn addictive.

-Just me.


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