....and my brother just got mugged.........
...oh I am so not having a good time...
etthundratre grader F
(39 i celsius)
allting bara suger, alltng bara värker. nackspärr. hemsk hals. huvudet bankar. men jag spyr i alla fall inte.
och min jäkla mobil. min nedrans mobil. fungerar ej. varför? jo för när den, kl 03.30 på torsdagsmorgonen, ringer och jag stänger av alarmet och ska sätta på mobilen kommer jag inte ihåg min himla pin-kod. samma missbildade pin-kod som jag haft sedan femman. och nå vad gör jag inte om inte spärrar hela blodiga telefonen. och vem fasen kan sin jäkla puk-kod?????????? klockan halv fyra på morgonen.
jag pratade med min far idag, han kan inte heller hitta min nedra personal unlock code. när jag är bättre ska jag inte på telenor butiken. hoppas så innerligt på hjälp, om inte så ryker alla mina jäkla kontakter.
om någon har ringt (as if), känn dig icke ignorerad, bara ohörd.
förresten sa jag att jag var sjuk? och att min mobil är spärrad?
allting bara suger, alltng bara värker. nackspärr. hemsk hals. huvudet bankar. men jag spyr i alla fall inte.
och min jäkla mobil. min nedrans mobil. fungerar ej. varför? jo för när den, kl 03.30 på torsdagsmorgonen, ringer och jag stänger av alarmet och ska sätta på mobilen kommer jag inte ihåg min himla pin-kod. samma missbildade pin-kod som jag haft sedan femman. och nå vad gör jag inte om inte spärrar hela blodiga telefonen. och vem fasen kan sin jäkla puk-kod?????????? klockan halv fyra på morgonen.
jag pratade med min far idag, han kan inte heller hitta min nedra personal unlock code. när jag är bättre ska jag inte på telenor butiken. hoppas så innerligt på hjälp, om inte så ryker alla mina jäkla kontakter.
om någon har ringt (as if), känn dig icke ignorerad, bara ohörd.
förresten sa jag att jag var sjuk? och att min mobil är spärrad?
And no. Away with ye, it's not cute ye gammy caffler.
Ask me arse, amadán.
Ask me arse, amadán.
SB and EW
Time flies, and devides are built.
"Why are your building devides? Is there some failing in your life?"
I don't know Glen, I don't know. Perhaps.
Anyway, I just heard Sam's mum's just had her baby. A girl, Benthany. Bethany Rose Williams.
First question: "Will I ever meet her?"
It's been two years since Sam moved, havn't seen her since December 28th 2005. Fine we talk, weather it's on MSN, Myspace or if we ring each other, we talk every now and then. But it's different, we only talk. Only talk. We used to see each other everyday before, EVERY day. Sleepovers round my house, sleepovers round her house. At Halloween we used to carve pumpkins, and use the goo inside for trick or treating. No one knew about trick or treating then... What about when we covered the whole house in fake spiderweb, a bit of nasy surprise for mum.
We always used to watch scary films in the middle of the night. I loved watching films with Sam, she had great taste in films (never in guys or music though) and just like me she wanted it to be completely pitch black and quiet whilst we were watching them. One night we stayed up watching LOTR 3 or 4 times in a row.
And we used to bake! All the time.
Flashback: "Welcome to Sam's and Eb's. Today we're making kladdekaka!"
We used to skip school a lot too. Sometimes, right after bedtime, Sam would sneak out of her house and come round mine. She would have had packed her bag with all that she needed and we would have chatted and giggled the night away, not caring about school or anything.
Thinking back, it might not have been a very clever thing to do, but Christ was it worth it.
School was ok though. I think we freaked people out, speaking English and all. The didn't understand what we were saying, I guess we talked prettly fast, so we were free to say whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. I do miss speaking English all day. That's why I'm moving away were the native language is English.
And all our songs. We wrote tons of songs. Some of them really good.
Vers #1
You came knocking on my door, *boom boom*, beggin' for forgivness.
I took you back, but lied to me again. Oh yes you did.
Get out of my house. Get out of my mind.
Stay away from me. Now and forever.
It surprises me that I still know the words. And the melody! This song's good, and we were only about 12 or 13 when we wrote it. We had so much going on. Ha, and when she told me she fancied my brother I laughed my arse off. Even worse, when HER brother told me he fancied ME! Blimey, he tried to kiss me! Haha. He was sweet and all, but boy was it hilarious. He had his ways with the ladies. Once he asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I told him I wanted to be a therapist. He said, no I think you should be a model. Haha my God Adam... Apperantly I was his "dream girl". I said no, and Sam and I put make up on him instead... while he was sleeping. We used mascara, blush, lipstick, eye shadow and loads of perfume. We never dared try "the hand in water-trick" to make him wet himself. We thought that was too cruel. I miss that part of my childhood.
In early September 2005 I was in for a surprise. I saw Sam on the bus oneday, and she told me she had something to tell me. She looked pretty happy, so I didn't bother to worry about it. But then, at home in my room on the floor by the bookshelf, she told me.
Remebered words: "Ebba, you know mum and dad's been fixing the house a lot latly... Well's it's because we're selling it. We're moving to America Ebba."
Bang, and that was it. The message had been delivred, the bomb had been dropped. And all I could say was "when?". "In 4 months", she told me. I think I was too flabbergasted to even hear her utter the words "4 months". In four month, Christ it's not even half a year. it's only four month.
Poff, like that and those four months had gone. Quicker than anyone could ever have imagined.
The first call I got from Sam was in January sometime. She was still in a hotel, because her new house was not done yet. We didn't talk for long, because it didn't really feel like she had gone. So unreal. And it's felt that way forever, until now.
For real, it's surreal, it's so real.
Emma's had a new baby, Sam's had a new sister. A girl whom I probably will never meet.
Second question: Do I want to?
Bethany Rose Williams, a complete stranger to me. My best friend's babysister is a complete stranger to me, what does that make us? The distance is getting clearer.
"Why are your building devides? Is there some failing in your life?"
I don't know Glen, I don't know. Perhaps.
Anyway, I just heard Sam's mum's just had her baby. A girl, Benthany. Bethany Rose Williams.
First question: "Will I ever meet her?"
It's been two years since Sam moved, havn't seen her since December 28th 2005. Fine we talk, weather it's on MSN, Myspace or if we ring each other, we talk every now and then. But it's different, we only talk. Only talk. We used to see each other everyday before, EVERY day. Sleepovers round my house, sleepovers round her house. At Halloween we used to carve pumpkins, and use the goo inside for trick or treating. No one knew about trick or treating then... What about when we covered the whole house in fake spiderweb, a bit of nasy surprise for mum.
We always used to watch scary films in the middle of the night. I loved watching films with Sam, she had great taste in films (never in guys or music though) and just like me she wanted it to be completely pitch black and quiet whilst we were watching them. One night we stayed up watching LOTR 3 or 4 times in a row.
And we used to bake! All the time.
Flashback: "Welcome to Sam's and Eb's. Today we're making kladdekaka!"
We used to skip school a lot too. Sometimes, right after bedtime, Sam would sneak out of her house and come round mine. She would have had packed her bag with all that she needed and we would have chatted and giggled the night away, not caring about school or anything.
Thinking back, it might not have been a very clever thing to do, but Christ was it worth it.
School was ok though. I think we freaked people out, speaking English and all. The didn't understand what we were saying, I guess we talked prettly fast, so we were free to say whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. I do miss speaking English all day. That's why I'm moving away were the native language is English.
And all our songs. We wrote tons of songs. Some of them really good.
Vers #1
You came knocking on my door, *boom boom*, beggin' for forgivness.
I took you back, but lied to me again. Oh yes you did.
Get out of my house. Get out of my mind.
Stay away from me. Now and forever.
It surprises me that I still know the words. And the melody! This song's good, and we were only about 12 or 13 when we wrote it. We had so much going on. Ha, and when she told me she fancied my brother I laughed my arse off. Even worse, when HER brother told me he fancied ME! Blimey, he tried to kiss me! Haha. He was sweet and all, but boy was it hilarious. He had his ways with the ladies. Once he asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I told him I wanted to be a therapist. He said, no I think you should be a model. Haha my God Adam... Apperantly I was his "dream girl". I said no, and Sam and I put make up on him instead... while he was sleeping. We used mascara, blush, lipstick, eye shadow and loads of perfume. We never dared try "the hand in water-trick" to make him wet himself. We thought that was too cruel. I miss that part of my childhood.
In early September 2005 I was in for a surprise. I saw Sam on the bus oneday, and she told me she had something to tell me. She looked pretty happy, so I didn't bother to worry about it. But then, at home in my room on the floor by the bookshelf, she told me.
Remebered words: "Ebba, you know mum and dad's been fixing the house a lot latly... Well's it's because we're selling it. We're moving to America Ebba."
Bang, and that was it. The message had been delivred, the bomb had been dropped. And all I could say was "when?". "In 4 months", she told me. I think I was too flabbergasted to even hear her utter the words "4 months". In four month, Christ it's not even half a year. it's only four month.
Poff, like that and those four months had gone. Quicker than anyone could ever have imagined.
The first call I got from Sam was in January sometime. She was still in a hotel, because her new house was not done yet. We didn't talk for long, because it didn't really feel like she had gone. So unreal. And it's felt that way forever, until now.
For real, it's surreal, it's so real.
Emma's had a new baby, Sam's had a new sister. A girl whom I probably will never meet.
Second question: Do I want to?
Bethany Rose Williams, a complete stranger to me. My best friend's babysister is a complete stranger to me, what does that make us? The distance is getting clearer.
I regnbågar med Radioskallar.
I hate it, but it's what I do best. I guess I take after you.
Well I'm back home, funny innit?
The place I've always loved is now a place I dread; mainly because I know I'm on verge of losing it, and also because you're here. Funny thing is I've been wanting to write for ages now, and so I finally sit down ready to put down my words, and then you come here and annoy me. You, with your always so perfect timing, destroy me.
Nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging
Shut the eff up.
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
Great, so now I'm peeved off again. Cheers.
And oh yeah! Almost forgot. Happy Valentine's Day all you happy lovers out there.
Well I'm back home, funny innit?
The place I've always loved is now a place I dread; mainly because I know I'm on verge of losing it, and also because you're here. Funny thing is I've been wanting to write for ages now, and so I finally sit down ready to put down my words, and then you come here and annoy me. You, with your always so perfect timing, destroy me.
Nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging nagging
Shut the eff up.
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up I'll shut you up
Great, so now I'm peeved off again. Cheers.
And oh yeah! Almost forgot. Happy Valentine's Day all you happy lovers out there.
Give me a chance to hold on (just give me something to hold on to)
Huge eyes, knew I's missing.
So I closed mine whilst I's kissing...
And that is the awful truth people.
I never loved you, nor did I want to.
Imorgon ska jag ut på krogen med Vicki och co. förresten! Jippie!
Och imorgon är det fredag, alla älskar fredag, jag älskar fredag. Fredag med lov efteråt är ett stort plus.
Igår hade jag matematik, och jag fastnade i min skrivbok där jag för länge sedan hade skrivit ett brev till mig själv. Det är fascinerande att läsa om dåtiden, läsa om allt som skett och tänka på det som hänt efter, och det som inte hänt... Jag saknar dig.
E b b s i l u s