
Oh me, how would things be?! If we were all to change a little bit? 

So let me ask you this. Do you ever find yourself judging a person based upon their looks? Whether consciously or subconsciously, I think the answer to that would be yes. Yes, you do and yes, I do.
People look at people, and undeniably see them in a certain way depending on the impression they give. What would happen if our looks altered or if we simply looked differently? What would the impression be then?

To help you visualize this, imagine an old lady. I for example will envisage my "oh so vivid" teacher Lisbeth. If would help if fhe lady in question is one you think of as dull and stodgy; my teacher is indeed so. Then try imagining her a good 30-odd years younger, that would leave her about in her mid 20's. And what if she were really hot? Being timid and all, wouldn't that just be cute at that age. What would you think of her if you ran into her younger self today? If she were sexy, she wouln't be so staid no more now would she? That is, if she were young. (Kudos to subjunctive!)

Then take me. For those who know me, well they know how I look. And for those who don't, I wouln't exactly call myself a model. But what if I were? What if my legs went up to my chest; the whole of me measuring 6 feet tall. What if I were well fit, had a goregeus face with a pretty little smile and eyes that could pierce through walls; what if I truely looked like an angel? (With big knockers.) What would you think of me? I am somewhat positive even I would think of myself differently. 

I know this girl. I though about her before today; she's pretty obese. And I thought about how I like her. She's funny and cuddly and she's got this aura of positive energy surrounding her. Then I thought about what I would think of her if she lost all that weight and came to the conclusion that I would indeed think of her differently. She wouldn't be as cuddly... And she wouldn't be a living proof of that you can be big and happy. She would undoubtly change. 

And if I were in a relationship with a man. A, from my point of view, goregeous man in his mid to late twenties. Let's say,  6 feet 3 tall. Secretive eyes, darkish messy hair and a scruffy beard. A man fond of his guitar and having the accent of an Irishman... (Whoa wouldn't I be lucky! Few for a minute there I lost myself). Anyway, let's say he gained a lot of wait. And to that add a loss of hair. What would happen if he would shave and his hairless complection would reveal a hideous face. Maybe if he all of a sudden lost interest in his guitar and gave up the accent,  would I fall out of love with him? I tell you this, he wouldn't be as attractive as before and that would sadly change my impression of him.

I'm not sure what it was that I wanted to get through to you, just simply when people's looks change, your own opinion of them alters as well. I don't know what it says about us as people, juding other based upon how they look. Or maybe we all just act our looks (as we act our age) and our outside moulds our inside. Maybe we're not so far off after all.

So I guess the remainder of this philosophy adds up to one question; do we have to alter on the outside in order to change the outcome of our behavior?

Tell me what you think, please!


Changeable matters matter only when changeable.

Postat av: JJ ;)

oooh...well Ebba, it would be kind of strange if your legs went up to your chest so, I like you as you are. And speakin about Lizzie, I think he got that lame look just because she is kind of lame ;P

2008-05-21 @ 17:48:50
Postat av: Ebba

Haha I guess you're right, thank you :) Okay okay I give that; Lizzie IS lame...:p End of.

2008-05-22 @ 00:28:05

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