
I had a thought before.
Some people like each other, and that's a fact. But what about love? How do you know you love someone? You could stick around long enough to hear your boyfriend say he loves you, and then you might think you love him too? But how can you tell for sure.
Some people say it's the things you can't live without that you love, but is it really so? I, for example, loved a rabbit I once had, but when he passed I didn't die. I was upset and all, but I didn't go into a depression, let alone stop living. Does that mean I didn't love him, just simply liked him because he was a good rabbit? Domesticaded, house-broken and all.

No, what I wanna know is if there are any clues or hints to look for. Something just to let you know it's love. Seriously, how the fuck are you supposed to know?

I hear people everyday saying those three words "I love you", and I hear myself saying them as well. Even to people they and I could live without. I'm not insinuating that I go round telling people I don't like that love them, that is not the case so don't get your knickers in a twist just yet, because the people I say it to I really do indeed like.
What I'm looking for is something to just let me know for sure. What is love? You can't touch it, only feel it. But how do you know it's love you're feeling. How do you know you've passed that line, when you're no longer in the "like-zone" but stepped into the "love-zone"?

The first time I truely loved someone other than family and friends, I had an epiphiny. I kind of just knew I loved the person in question. Although that kind of love is just a different kind, isn't it?

Hell, how should I know; I am but a layman. Ermm... laywoman. Nah that just sounds odd, even though it's a word.

Let me hear your ideas.


By the way, it's Friday! And I'm happy.
Cheers to all.


Postat av: Anonym

ha en underbar fredag!

2008-05-16 @ 21:13:16
Postat av: Jenny

Ha en fortsatt trevlig kväll! :D Kika gärna in i min blogg och släng in en kommentar om du har tid!:)

2008-05-16 @ 21:16:35
Postat av: Ozzy Ozkar

Why are you writing in english?
Have a pleasant Friday night and Weekend!

2008-05-16 @ 21:19:44
Postat av: Ozzy Ozkar

Why are you writing in english?
Have a pleasant Friday night and Weekend!

2008-05-16 @ 21:19:52
Postat av: Ebba


Ozzy - Because I am what you'd call fluent in English :)

2008-05-16 @ 23:44:55
Postat av: Leo


2008-05-18 @ 01:18:57
Postat av: JJ ;)

Well, I agree with you; how can you tell if you really love someone? I think we can't...yet. I mean, when you say to your boyfriend that you love him, and then you two break up and you just don't love him anymore, then it's not real love to me. To love someone for sure is to love them forever, even though they hurt you, move out of town or pass away or something. So my point is: you'll never know if you love someone for real until you die yourself, cause then it's the only time you'll ever know that you've loved someone to the end. But until then, we'll allways pretend ;) see?

2008-05-18 @ 18:25:00
Postat av: Ebba

I agree JJ :) It's an interesting idea, but it seems too bad to have to wait until you die to find out though :( Let's play pretend for now and guess our ways.

2008-05-20 @ 21:35:13

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