I do like suger tender on a brittle and sticky when spun

A cool new survey....! Blablabla... Check it out..


Name?: Ebba!
Age?: 18 yrs and 8 mths.
Birthday?: Dec 29th.
Hometown?: Yer arse...
Hair Color?: Dark blondish.
Eye Color?: Green with brown swirls.
Shoe Size?: 6 (39)

Number?: 29
Ice Cream?: Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie or Bohemian Rasberry.
Season?: Spring.
Day Of The Week?: Friday afternoon.
Month?: March or July or Demember.
Boy's Name?: Fíonn, Ciaran or Angus.
Girl's Name?: Ailbhe, Áigneis or Avory.
State?: Fuck the US.
Place To Be Kissed?: Hehe by the garden gate, or at some random pub somwhere haha.
Color?: Greeeen.
Sport?: Ehmm.. Walking?
Food?: Vetegable stews... Vegetarian lasanga.. Something Italian or Lebanese.
Non-Alcoholic Beverage?: Water, coffee.
Place To Hang Out?: Music cafés...
Quote?: Aye don't know just listen to Thom Yorke, Damien Rice or Glen or Mic they're all pretty smart.
Hair Color?: Hehe I like darkish hair or reddish.
Soda?: No thanks.
Fast Food Place?: Pret.
Fruit?: Freshly picked ripe apples or wilde strawberries.
Pie?: Rubarb or strawberry. Lemon is good too.
Band?: The Frames, Radiohead, Damien Rice... Dave Matthews band, Counting Crows.. I could go on forever.Travis. Sigur Rós. REM... Keane etc.
Type of Music?: Alternative, Jazz, easy listening, Acoustic.. etc.
TV Show?: Dunno.
Movie?: Something British. (or Irish for that matter)
Jewelry?: My 3-leaf-clover necklace. I like me earrings as well.
Candy Bar?: Organic flapjacks.
Milk?: Skimmed and perferably cow's milk?
Foreign Food Type?: Italian or Lebanese.
Cereal?: Nah, but müsli.
Writing Thingy?: Ermm? You mean pencils?
Time Of Day?: Afternoon / night.
Store?: HMV, The Body Shop or some book store.
Freetime Thingy To Do?: I like walking... And baking / cooking and writing. I love listening to music. And oh yeah hang out w/ friends =)
Weather?: Depends on what moon I'm in.
Place To Watch Movie?: The cinema, or at home in a dark place. Loads of pillows and blankets.
Person To Watch Movie With?: Your significant other perhaps... Or friends will do!

Personilty Wise?: Bohemian, busker-like, kinda dirty-looking muscian.
Body Part?: Hands..? (imagine what they can do muhahaha) Eyes (imagine what they can see) "Your mounth, your mouth, your mind."
Place To Kiss Them?: Lips or neck.
Hair Color?: Darkish or reddish.. ;)
Eye Color?: Green or brown preferably, blue is ok too.
Height Wise?: Taller than me anyway.
Age Wise?: Haha... Way older than me, but at tops 20 yrs older. Although if we're talking about Johnny Depp age difference is not an issue... ;P

Am?: a nerd.
Thought?: I'd grow out of it, but no.
Wish?: in the future I'l live in dublin and work at a café or as a busker.
Want To Be With?: the one I love, i.e. some sexy savage-looking Irishdude.
Love?: Irishdudes... Especially the ones who busk and have beards and drink red wine whenever they feel like it.
Dream of?: them Irishdudes every night.. Haha.

First Crush?: crushed me young little heart.
When?: 1995.
Who?: Råger.
Have You Loved?: Yes.
Do You Believe in Love?: Aye, that I do.
Do You Play Sports?: Nah, can't be arsed. I do enjoy walking though. And skiing.
What Ones?: I just said no.. But if you insist, I love skiing.
Take Pics Of Yourself?: Whenever I feel like it.
Your Best Friend (Girl)?: I have a few.
Your Best Friend (Guy)?: I have a few.
Do You Read?: I read books and meaningless booklets.
Have A Screenname?: Aye, a few actually. Sad? Yes, very.
Three Things About You?: I can touch the tip of my nose with my tounge, I can speak a little Irish, I used to compete in slalom when I was young.
Craziest Thing You Would Do For Love?: There's a lot would do for love... And all things be crazy.

And that's it!


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